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VBC Holding Corp Inc. Issues Statement Regarding Unauthorized Claims by James Voak



New York, NY – May 20, 2024 – VBC Holding Corp Inc. (“VBCHC”), along with its subsidiaries Venture Backed and PMI Systems, today announced that an individual by the name of James Voak (https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-v-4663a61b/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-voak-55b536277/) has been falsely representing the nature of his relationship with the company. Specifically, Mr. Voak has falsely held himself out as a Founder, Co-Founder, Head of Investor Relations, Director of Sales, and various other titles in connection with VBCHC and its subsidiaries.

Mr. Voak is no longer associated with VBCHC, Venture Backed, or PMI Systems in any capacity.  Furthermore, Mr. Voak is no longer authorized to use the name, image, and likeness of VBCHC, Venture Backed, and PMI Systems. Any unauthorized use of our corporate identity is a serious matter, and we will take appropriate legal action to address this issue.

We strongly advise all stakeholders, including investors, partners, and the public, to disregard any information or representations made by James Voak regarding our firm. Any legitimate communications or representations from VBC Holding Corp Inc., Venture Backed, or PMI Systems will come directly from our verified and official channels.

VBC Holding Corp Inc. remains committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all our operations. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this situation may have caused and appreciate the continued support and vigilance of our community.

For further information, please contact:

Media Inquiries:

Yolanda Lindsay
Chief Marketing Officer
VBC Holding Corp Inc.
Email: ylindsay@venturebacked.co

Human Resources:

Shellon Blanchard-Clarke
Chief People Officer
VBC Holding Corp Inc.
Email: sblanchard-clarke@venturebacked.co

About VBC Holding Corp Inc.:

VBCHC is redefining the landscape of private capital markets by spearheading the development of innovative software solutions that empower participants in the industry with unprecedented transparency, accountability, and visibility. Our solutions streamline the capital raising, capital deployment and risk mitigation processes. For more information about VBC Holding Corp Inc., please visit: https://vbchc.com


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